Many people still don’t know about pinched spinal nerves and how they cause pain in the back, neck, arm and shoulder, and hip and leg. They don’t know how chiropractic heals — why it’s often the very treatment they need for their back misery and related illnesses and conditions. What’s worse they may never find out about chiropractic unless you tell them. So tell a friend what chiropractic has meant to you and your family. You’ll be glad you did and so will your friend.




If vertebras become even slightly misaligned or subluxated (as shown), the nerve channel becomes distorted and nerves passing through the channel can become stretched, impinged, entrapped, compressed, pinched, irritated or otherwise compromised. In short, vertebral misalignments may alter nerve impulses and thus cause disease, pain, and problems — even in areas other than the spine.




Chiropractors adjust misaligned vertebras into their rightful positions to relieve nerve irritations brought on by the misalignment. Such manipulations are called “adjustments” and are the most basic method of chiropractic treatment.

