Shoulder Pain Relief

Shoulder pain is a tough condition to deal with due to the vast numbers of factors that can contribute to pain itself. Dysfunctions of the shoulder including rotator cuff abnormalities and inflammatory pain can create constant pain issues for patients. Shoulder pain can also stem from conditions such as muscle spasms and joint arthritis.

Appointment: 334-356-1111

Clinic Locations:
Birmingham   |   Montgomery   |   Prattville


Once properly diagnosed, HealthStar will provide you with the optimal
treatment options to help your condition and bring you out of pain as
soon as possible. Below are some of our treatment programs offered:

Physical Therapy
Physical therapy works to strengthen and improve the body’s posture through proper exercise ranges of motion, resistance training, and improve joint mobility and muscle flexibility through corrective exercise and stretching.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic spinal adjustments put the body in correct posture alignment and helps to relieve muscle strain.
Injection Based Procedures
Used when nerve interference is a contributing factor to the numbness, burning, tingling and/or pins and needles feeling in extremities. Manipulation is quick, easy and known to help restore proper nerve flow.
HealthStar Clinic - Shoulder Pain Relief


Once properly diagnosed, Health Star will provide you with the optimal treatment options to help your condition and bring you out of pain as soon as possible. Below are some of our treatment programs offered:

Physical Therapy
Physical therapy works to strengthen and improve the body’s posture through proper exercise ranges of motion, resistance training, and improve joint mobility and muscle flexibility through corrective exercise and stretching.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic spinal adjustments put the body in correct posture alignment and helps to relieve muscle strain.
Injection Based Procedures
Used when nerve interference is a contributing factor to the numbness, burning, tingling and/or pins and needles feeling in extremities. Manipulation is quick, easy and known to help restore proper nerve flow.

The treatment specialists at HealthStar will find the root cause of your shoulder pain injury. Once our experts identify the source of your pain we can provide a customized pain programs designed for your specific pain needs. Live with pain no longer and contact HealthStar Clinic.

Don’t Let Pain Control Your Life. We Can Help.

Fill out our request appointment form to find out how we can help or call one of our clinics to learn more. Most major insurances are accepted.

Appointment: 334-354-1111

Clinic Locations:
Birmingham   |   Montgomery   |   Prattville