Around the age of fifty or so it’s not at all unusual for a man or a woman to experience frequent bouts of back pain severe enough to take a lot of the fun out of life. Indeed, four out of five persons at some time during their lives suffer back pain, a percentage which comes pretty close to hitting everybody eventually. That’s because — as we age — the youthful flexibility and suppleness of the body slowly fades away and is slowly replaced with encroaching stiffness, reduced range of motion, and pain.


This is especially true of the tissues of the spine and back: the ligaments, muscles, cartilages, bones, joints, and nerves. Eventually — as time goes by — many seniors encounter more and more health problems and disorders related to spinal structures.


Also, in some seniors, spinal problems caused by a long forgotten accident or other trauma may remain quiet for years, compensated by the elasticity of a formerly youthful body. But as bodily structures begin to age and lose their flexibility, those latent structural problems often begin flaring up in the form of pain, soreness, and reduced mobility.


When that happens, older persons tend to give up. They say, “I guess I’m just getting old,” and begin believing, “I’ll have to learn to live with my pain.”


But don’t you believe it! Not automatically, anyway. Not without a chiropractic evaluation. Many structural spinal problems resulting in back troubles and pains —even if they’ve been dormant for years — require only minor chiropractic corrections to bring blessed relief.


Some problems, of course, are more serious, but surprisingly, sometimes only a slight rebalancing of the pelvis eases stress or torsion, or a minor adjustment of misaligned vertebras relieves pinched nerves.





Granted, if a chiropractic doctor had treated such seemingly passive structural problems years ago, it would have been best, but some of today’s older persons did not have the opportunity for proper chiropractic care in their youth.


Nevertheless, in many cases, it’s not too late, and countless older persons have learned that regularly getting safe, gentle, chiropractic treatments keeps them feeling younger. They’ve learned they may not have to learn to live with the aches and pains generally associated with growing older.


Indeed, many older persons — due to regular chiropractic care — are still working, walking, bowling, golfing, and in general, enjoying the physical life to its fullest.


As we age, the youthful flexibility and suppleness of the body slowly fades away and is gradually replaced with encroaching stiffness, reduced range of motion, and pain. That’s why chiropractic care for seniors is so important!