Gone are the days when most patients waited until intense pain or illness forced them to do something about it. Instead, today many chiropractic patients are joyfully taking on part of the responsibility for their own health. They are paying attention to what they eat, they are getting more exercise one way or another, and many are voluntarily scheduling
chiropractic “tune-up” visits every two, three or four weeks.


Tune-ups are what doctors of chiropractic have always called maintenance care. Sometimes called once-a-month care, tune-ups are optimum care, designed to keep a person in the best possible shape.


No one seems to know who began calling preventive care tune-ups, but this much we do know: as more and more people became aware that staying healthy requires a positive, personal, ongoing commitment and effort, the apt expression caught the public’s imagination.


And why not? Tune-up implies action, and action is what people today want.


In the past, maintenance care (tune-ups, if you will), meant chiropractic adjustments and perhaps other chiropractic care.. .a situation in which the patient played a more or less passive role.


But what a difference a few years make! Patients are part of the action today. Most are actively involved with their own health. While they get their chiropractic adjustments, they also want answers…answers to all kinds of health questions from Appetite to Zinc in the diet.. .and those patients look to the chiropractor for authoritative answers.


For example, many people read about proper nutrition in a favorite magazine. But often it conflicts with information from another magazine. Which one is right? Are they both right? Are they both wrong? People want to know. So on their visits to the chiropractor, patients are often full of questions about proper nutrition. It’s a phenomenon practically unheard of just a few years ago.






And people want to know what kind of exercise is best for them. A middle-aged woman may want to know if she’s okay for an aerobic dance class, while an elderly woman may want the doctor to outline a few simple stretching exercises. A man may want to know if racquet-ball would be too strenuous for him. Others want to know about weight control. What to do about unwanted fat. How to get fit. How to stay healthy. Health questions, from involved people.


Of course, nothing could please a chiropractor more than that kind of feedback from patients… questions that go right to the heart of a chiropractor’s education, training, postgraduate studies, and experience.


So while you’re getting a tune-up (or anytime), let your chiropractor know the health questions that are on your mind. You can bet you’ll get the answers.


Tune-ups are optimum care, designed to keep a person in the best possible shape.


Copyright © 2010 Health Star, Inc