Slipped sacroiliac joint. Doctors call it sacroiliac dysfunction. Either way it’s a bizarre jumble of letters spelling painful low back trouble.


The two sacroiliac joints are an integral part of the pelvis which bears at least half the body’s weight – that of the trunk and innards, the spinal column, head, and arms.


Three bones make up the pelvis: the sacrum, which is the central wedge-shaped bone at the base of the spine, and the two hip bones at the right and left of the sacrum. The junctures where the hip bones attach to the sacrum are called sacroiliac joints.


Those two joints – among the body’s most stable and strongest – are subjected to prodigious stresses even as you sit or stand, and especially as you walk,  run, jump, lift and, in general, as you move around in  living your life. No wonder your sacroiliac joints are highly vulnerable to painful injury and misalignment, despite their strength.


When a sacroiliac joint “slips” due to overload or overwork, the surrounding muscles tend to spasm, thus locking the joint into its mis-aligned position and locking the victim into ongoing pain and suffering.



What’s worse, the joint may stay locked, permanently misaligned, until it is manipulated or adjusted into its rightful position.


Sacroiliac joints. (indicated by arrows) are highly vulnerable
to misalignment despite their strength.
More often than not, troubled sacroiliac joints give advance warning that serious pain and suffering may be on the way. That’s why early detection and correction are so important.

Early warning signals of impending sacroiliac distress are often as simple as a tired feeling in the lower back or legs, or a slight tenderness in the lower back on either side of the sacrum. Such symptoms call for a chiropractic examination right away. The longer a sacroiliac mis-alignment (or any spinal mis-alignment) exists, the more likely it may become chronic and the more difficult its correction. Even a small misalignment predisposes a person to recurring episodes of pain and disability leading to lost play and work time.


If you are thinking that sacroiliac trouble does not apply to you, here’s a sobering statistic:  chiropractic doctors estimate that sacroiliac misery will strike at least four out of every ten persons during their lives. So even if you escape sacroiliac problems yourself, it is almost inevitable that someone in your immediate family won’t.


Manipulations (adjustments) are the expertise of chiropractic doctors who nation-wide treat victims by the millions for back pain of many causes including pinched spinal nerves, muscle and ligament problems, spinal disc problems, and sacroiliac dysfunctions.


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